
I am a Ph.D. in Mathematical and Computational Modeling. My research focuses on applying complex systems (especially agent-based models) to model different areas. I am currently a researcher at the Norwegian Research Center SA - NORCE. 
Researcher - Norwegian Research Center SA - NORCE: May 2023 - present
Researcher at the Center for Modeling Social Systems - CMSS.

Research Fellow at Queen’s University Belfast: October 2022 – May 2023
GroundsWell Project –Work package 2: Informing and simulating system-based urban green and blue spaces transformations using agent-based modeling. Aiming to co-develop and implement agent-based models that guide, facilitate, and contribute to hypothesis generation and data collation; and synthesize learning, and use of multiple layers of evidence to inform future UGBS initiatives. 

Research Assistant at the Observatory for Urban Health (OSUBH): March 2021 – October 2022:
·        SALURBAL Project (Salud Urbana en America Latina) - funded by the Wellcome Trust as part of its Our Planet, Our Health initiative, which focuses on research examining the connections between the environment and human health. 
·        GDAR (Global Diet and Activity Research) – funded by NIHR Global Health Research Initiative, focusing on how physical, policy and social environments influence diet and physical activity. 
Complex Systems: Agent-based Models, Networks, Cellular Automata
Dynamic Systems
Modeling Biological Systems
Epidemiology and Public Health
Modeling Infectious Diseases
Data Collection and Analysis
Geospatial analysis
Urban Health
Climate Change
Urban Green and Blue Spaces
Stakeholder Coordination
  • GIS experience (ArcGIS, QGis, GeoDA, TerraView, SatScan)
  • Computer programming abilities: C, C++, Python, Netlogo, and R (basics)
  • Data mining experience
  • Content writer for scientific communication and technology websites (Showmetech; Engenharia 360; A Arquiteta; Blog da Arquitetura)

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